A safe space for adolescents when it comes to SRHR

Kigali Menstruation Station

A safe space for adolescents to express them selves freely when it comes to SRHR


The Kigali menstruation station was launched on the 28th May 2022

A Menstruation Station is a safe space for menstruators where they can talk about SRHR related issues and manage their basic menstrual hygiene needs. A #periodproud and #periodsupportive creative space for the untold stories to be told. With the work of the stations, we aim to improve the knowledge and skills about sexual and reproductive health and rights, focusing on menstruation. We create a positive and open climate around menstrual health and enable a safe environment for people to access both knowledge, menstruation material and sanitation facilities.. Thelong-term effect that we want to see in societies is to change negative attitudes around menstruation . This station is located at Nyamirambo sector




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