In a heartwarming and inspiring event, we celebrated our six years of existence, marking a journey of empowerment, impact, and transformation. The event, held at KIGALI MENSTRUATION STATION, was a testament to the organization's commitment to making a difference in society through its various initiatives and projects.
The event kicked off with MC Jose Umutesi welcoming esteemed guests of honor from Cameroon and representatives from diverse organizations and sectors. Local leaders also graced the occasion, setting the tone for a day filled with celebration, recognition, and reflection. Jose outlined the agenda of the day, setting the stage for an eventful and meaningful anniversary celebration.
Taking the stage, CEO Amina Umuhoza shared insights into the essence of the organization, highlighting the journey, values, and significant impact on society. With unwavering passion, Amina underscored the NGO's commitment to driving positive change and uplifting our target group.
COO Gisele Mugenga then took the spotlight, presenting a remarkable display of achievements accomplished over the past year within the LTAU Club. The event showcased the competition between two schools, G.S Akumunigo and G.S Kimisange, from Kigali Province. The competition revealed the different talents of adolescents who seamlessly merged their learning with their passions, delivering creative expressions that held the interest of the audience.
A panel of judges— Sarah, Egide and Apophie—observed the performances and awarded certificates to every adolescent participant. The deserving winners of the competition were celebrated for their exceptional talents and contributions. Furthering the commitment to empowerment, the organization showcased their dedication to skill development.
Sewing skill developer Sarah was introduced, spotlighting her role in training four teenage mothers.
These resilient individuals had successfully completed their sewing classes, each receiving a graduation certificate and a sewing machine of their own. The sewing machines were donated by individuals who firmly believed in women's empowerment, serving as a tangible testament to the ripple effect of compassion and empowerment,
the event was graced by the presence of Victor from Cameroon, who generously gifted these teenage mothers, $200, to help them implement their skills.
The impact extended beyond training, as DUKATAZE provided not only financial aid but also business skills. The teenage mothers were help with three months' worth of rent, ensuring a stable foundation for their journey ahead.
As the program went on, attendees were taken on a heartwarming journey through time. A throwback video captured the evolution of DUKATAZE, from its humble beginnings to its current standing as a beacon of hope and change.
Gracing the stage once more, CEO Amina Umuhoza expressed her gratitude to the team that had tirelessly stood by the organization's side throughout the years. Amina's heartfelt appreciation was made tangible through the distribution of gift tokens and an honorary certificate. The Employee of the Year, Augustin Niyonsaba, was rightfully acknowledged and celebrated for his outstanding contributions.
The event continued with cake-cutting ceremony, symbolizing the sweet success of six years of empowerment, growth, and transformation. Attendees shared snacks, engaged in meaningful conversations, and strengthened the connections that have been fostered over the years.